Premier Pay-Per-Call Network for Affiliates

We make it easy to buy, sell, and manage calls with our proprietary platform, CallThread

Premier Pay-Per-Call Network for Affiliates

We make it easy to buy, sell, and manage calls with our proprietary platform, CallThread

Unlock higher payouts with our automated platform

Soleo operates one of the largest pay-per-call networks in North America with competitive payouts in hundreds of categories. 

Join our affiliate network to take advantage of exclusive affiliate offers, dedicated budget and fixed payouts or check out options to sell calls programmatically via our API.

Unlock exclusive offers from national brands

We partner directly with national brands to create exclusive offers – with higher payouts.

Browse, filter, and apply to offers with ease

Our proprietary platform CallThread enables you to search and apply to all available offers directly.

Monitor Performance in Real Time

With CallThread, dig into real-time insights including earnings, conversion rates, and call detail reports.

Browse all offers quickly and easily

Sell calls programmatically via API

Connect to the CallThread Call Network programmatically to unlock access to additional buyers

Sell calls at scale

With our API, we can connect approved publishers to thousands of offers nationwide, so you can sell your call traffic dynamically.

Capitalize on dynamic pricing

With real-time bidding, our API will find the most competitive offer in real time, so you get the best price for your traffic.

Measure results with daily reports

Track earnings and conversions rates using our call detail reports to help maximize performance.

Sample of our programmatic pricing

Vertical Max Bid
Automotive $30
Business & Professional Services $54
Computers & Internet $30
Contractors & Construction Equipment $220
Education $6
Finance & Insurance $113
Health & Medicine $48
Home & Garden $225
Legal $197
Vertical Max Bid
Manufacturing, Production & Wholesale $63
Personal Services & Care $25
Pets $19
Real Estate, Moving & Storage $67
Restaurants, Food & Beverages $2
Retail Shopping $65
Sports & Recreation $12
Telecommunications $26
Travel & Transportation $20

Access our qualified network of call sources

Leverage pay-per-call advertising to increase your ROI, decrease your cost per lead, and reach customers who are ready to buy.

Exclusive Call Sources

Our trusted network of call sources generates calls through a variety of online, offline, and carrier sources.

Call Source Insights

With CallThread’s call tracking features, it’s easy to identify those call sources that generate the best traffic.

Compliant, Brand-Safe Call Traffic

Call traffic always complies with applicable consumer protection laws. Use of branded bidding, advertiser trademarks, and incentivized traffic are prohibited without consent.


How does affiliate marketing work?

When an affiliate promotes a company’s products or refers traffic through clicks or calls, they earn a commission. The more people who buy through the affiliate, the more money they can make.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a type of marketing where an affiliate generates leads on behalf of an advertiser and receives a commission if the leads meet the advertiser’s criteria.

What are the benefits of affiliate marketing for businesses?

Affiliate marketing helps businesses reach more customers by partnering with individuals who promote their products or services for a commission. This can increase brand awareness, drive more traffic to their website, and ultimately boost sales. It also allows businesses to reach new audiences and markets they may not have been able to access otherwise. Additionally, affiliate marketing is cost-effective because businesses only pay a commission when the lead converts, making it a low-risk marketing strategy. Overall, affiliate marketing can help businesses grow and expand their reach in a cost-efficient way.

What is an affiliate network?

An affiliate network is a business that works with both advertisers (or businesses who buy affiliate traffic) and affiliates (those generating traffic to sell to advertisers). Advertisers use affiliate networks to find new affiliates without the hassle of managing the affiliates and moderating lead quality themselves. Affiliates use affiliate networks to find new offers they can promote and sometimes to track their performance.

How affiliate networks make money?

Affiliate networks make money by connecting companies with affiliates who promote their products or services or generate leads in their industry. Affiliate networks take a small percentage of the affiliate’s commission. Overall, affiliate networks benefit everyone involved by creating a win-win situation for all parties.

How to join an affiliate network?

To join an affiliate network, you need to sign up on their website and create an account. Depending on the network, you may have to be approved to join, or you will need to be approved to join certain offers. At Soleo, our affiliates must be approved to join our network, and we may require approval for specific offers as well. Sometimes, you will need to submit creatives for approval. That said, our CallThread platform makes all of this easy to do all in one place.

How do affiliates get paid?

Affiliates get paid by promoting products or services for companies. When people buy something through the affiliate’s unique link or the affiliate is able to drive qualified clicks, calls, or leads to their partners, they earn a commission. Leads are considered “qualified” when they meet the requirements determined by the partner.

What tools and platforms are commonly used in affiliate marketing?

Commonly used tools and platforms in affiliate marketing include affiliate networks to find and connect to new offers affiliate tracking software to track leads and earnings. Affiliates use social media platforms, email marketing services, and website builders to generate leads for their partners. These tools help affiliates track sales, create promotional content, and manage their affiliate partnerships effectively.

How do I become an affiliate?

If you have an audience or traffic that you want to monetize, becoming an affiliate is one way to do that. To become an affiliate, you need to find a company, website, or affiliate network that offers an affiliate program. Then, it’s just a matter of connecting to affiliate offers and sending traffic. Remember to follow the rules and guidelines set by the company to stay in good standing with the program.

What compliance issues should affiliates be aware of?

Affiliates should be aware of compliance issues like disclosing their partnerships with companies, using proper disclaimers when promoting products, and following rules set by organizations like the Federal Trade Commission. They must also avoid making false claims or misleading statements to customers, as this can lead to legal trouble. It’s important for affiliates to stay informed about relevant laws and regulations in their industry to ensure they are operating within the boundaries of ethical and legal standards. Failure to comply with these guidelines can result in penalties or even the termination of their affiliate partnerships.

How can I improve my performance as an affiliate?

To improve your performance as an affiliate, create high-quality content that educates and engages your audience, and use various marketing channels like social media, email, and website/blog to reach more people. Analyze data and track your results to see what strategies are working best for you. Always be on the lookout for offers that pay better or offer a better model for your business; optimize for earnings per lead, not payout. Stay updated on industry trends and best practices, and continue to learn and grow your skills through courses, webinars, and networking with other affiliates. Consistency, hard work, and dedication are key to success as an affiliate marketer.

What are the common challenges in affiliate marketing?

Some common challenges in affiliate marketing include finding the right offers to promote, building an audience or consistent web traffic, and standing out among competitors. Additionally, dealing with payment issues, managing relationships with affiliate networks, and staying current with industry trends can also pose challenges in affiliate marketing. Success in this field requires dedication, creativity, and a strong understanding of the market.

How affiliate marketing is different from network marketing?

Affiliate marketing is when individuals or businesses promote products or services for a company and earn a commission for each lead they generate or each sale they make. Network marketing, on the other hand, involves recruiting others to sell products or services and earn a commission from their sales as well as their own. In affiliate marketing, individuals focus more on promoting and selling products, while in network marketing, individuals focus on building a team of distributors.

How affiliate network works?

An affiliate network is a company or platform where advertisers partner with affiliates to promote their products or services or generate leads in their industry. Affiliates earn commissions for every sale or lead they generate through their unique tracking links or numbers. The affiliate network manages tracking sales and commissions, so both the company and the affiliate can see how well their marketing efforts are working.

How can I track and manage pay per call campaigns?

Using call tracking software that provides detailed analytics, call recordings, and real-time reporting.

How to get a pay per call number?

To get a pay per call number, you usually will need to be attached to an offer through an affiliate network, or you can use a call tracking platform which has available tracking numbers.

How to make money with pay per call?

To make money with pay per call, you can sign up with a pay per call network and create ads with a unique phone number. When people call that number, you can earn a commission for each call. You can promote your ads through various channels like social media, websites, and search engines to attract more callers. By targeting specific keywords and demographics, you can maximize your earnings from pay per call campaigns. It’s important to track your calls and optimize your ads to increase your revenue. With dedication and strategy, you can make money with pay per call.

What is the abuse of pay-per-click or pay-per-call?

The abuse of pay-per-click or pay-per-call occurs when someone clicks on ads or makes fake calls to generate money unfairly. This can inflate costs for the businesses buying call traffic. It is important for companies to monitor their advertising campaigns to prevent abuse and ensure that their marketing efforts are reaching real customers. Properly managing these methods can help businesses reach their target audience and maximize the effectiveness of their advertising efforts.

What is pay per call affiliate marketing?

Pay per call affiliate marketing is a way for people to earn money by promoting products or services through phone calls. With this type of marketing, affiliates receive a commission for every qualified call made by a customer who they referred to a business. This means that affiliates are paid based on the number of phone calls that convert as a result from their marketing efforts.

How to promote pay per call offers?

Affiliates and publishers can promote pay per call offers in many ways. Some promote their tracking number on their existing websites, some use social media, and some use traditional advertising. It’s best if you use channels you’re already comfortable with or where you already have an audience.

What industries benefit most from pay per call marketing?

Insurance, home services, pest control, home security, healthcare, debt, and travel are among the industries that benefit significantly from pay per call due to the high-value nature of the leads.

How is call quality measured in pay per call campaigns?

When you create a pay-per-call offer, you set your bid price, required call duration, and desired category, hours, and geography. Your bid price is the price you are willing to pay for a call that lasts your specified duration (a typical call duration bid is usually between 90-120 seconds but varies by category).

When a call comes into our network, Soleo’s API and IVR filters identify the time of day, category, and geography of the call and will connect you with the calls that match your offer.

A call is considered qualified once it fulfills its duration requirement, and then the advertiser is billed their bid price for that call.

What are the benefits of pay per call marketing?

Different mediums of performance marketing yield different results. This is because the consumer is at a different stage in their buying journey when they use different mediums, making them more or less likely to convert into a sale based on the medium of the lead. When thinking about choosing a performance marketing medium, it’s important to note that the lead becomes more valuable the more likely it is to convert, but high-value leads come at a higher cost per lead (CPL).

When considering different forms of performance marketing, imagine a scale where the left-most point represents the lowest CPL and lowest conversion rate, and the right-most point represents the highest CPL and conversion rate. Cost-per-click marketing would be at the lower end of the scale whereas buying closed sales would be at the top. Pay-per-call gives you a good balance between CPL and high conversion rate, and also gives you a higher ROAS.

How does pay per call work?

With pay-per-call, advertisers (those buying the calls) define their parameters for a qualified call and create an offer. Then, their pay-per-call partners will generate and send them calls based on their offer’s guidelines. When the call reaches a predetermined call duration, the partner gets paid for that call.

What is pay per call?

Pay-per-call is a type of marketing where advertisers pay for each qualified inbound phone call they receive from a third-party. These call sources can be publishers, affiliates, networks, and other lead-generators. A call is considered qualified if it meets the advertiser’s requirements and fulfills a predetermined duration requirement. You manage your own pay-per-call campaign by setting a variety of campaign parameters.