How the Home Services Industry Benefits from Pay-Per-Call


Pay-per-call helps businesses in the home services industry overcome marketing challenges and increase their marketing ROI with high-intent leads and a 45% conversion rate.

With a pay-per-call marketing campaign, businesses purchase qualified inbound phone calls that are much more likely to convert than leads from other advertising efforts. For example, local businesses can expect about 25-40% of call leads to turn into customers opposed to 2% of online form-fill leads.

With pay-per-call, advertisers can customize their campaign requirements, including call duration, category, and location, and then only pay for the inbound calls that meet their specifications.

How Pay-Per-Call Solves Marketing Challenges in the Home Services Industry

Challenge #1 – Getting the Phone to Ring Consistently

In the home services industry, lots of phone calls mean lots of business, but achieving a consistent volume of calls can be challenging.

Pay-Per-Call Solution

The home services industry is uniquely positioned for success in the pay-per-call space. Typically, customers who are searching for services like plumbing, pest control, or roof, appliance, or HVAC repair need immediate assistance and therefore prefer to call. And when they call, they are likely to convert: the home services industry sees about a 45% conversion rate on inbound pay-per-call leads.

Pay-per-call lets you buy high-intent inbound phone calls from prospects who want to schedule service. You’ll have the flexibility to manage your budget and set your key geographies and business hours. Call pacing allows you to set daily or hourly caps on total spend or billable calls.

The right pay-per-call partner will deliver predictable call volume based on your call center needs to keep your agents busy and maximize their time.

Challenge #2 – Generating High-Value Leads

Not all leads are created equal, but it’s not easy to bring in high-ticket prospects without also generating leads that aren’t worth your time.

Pay-Per-Call Solution

By setting campaign categories, you can specifically target the high-value consumer profiles that you want and adjust your bid per category, so your ad is more competitive in key target areas.

Pay-per-call works well for high-consideration services that usually require a human touchpoint in the sales cycle. Examples of core pay-per-call categories include:

  • HVAC
  • Plumbing
  • Home Cleaning
  • Appliance Repair
  • Lawn Care
  • Pest Control
  • Kitchen or Bathroom Remodels
  • Handyman Services

Challenge #3 – Avoiding Unwanted Leads

Your call centers can become bogged down with customer service calls or calls for low-ticket services that aren’t worth the time of your agents. For example, some home services providers prefer to receive calls for services such as new appliance installations over appliance repair calls.

Pay-Per-Call Solution

Your pay-per-call network will be able to help you define and target your ideal consumer profiles, and they should have quality assurance techniques in place to ensure their publishers are only delivering the calls you want.

Look for a network that will also set up qualifying methods such as Interactive Voice Recordings to filter out calls you don’t want, such as low-ticket service inquiries or customer service calls.

Challenge #4 – Local and National Competition

With so many home services brands competing for similar customers, advertising is extremely challenging, especially if you’re trying to reach a national audience. You need a marketing strategy that will give you a broad reach and consistent leads at a reasonable price.

Pay-Per-Call Solution

With a pay-per-call campaign, you only pay for high-intent calls that meet your campaign requirements, and calls in this industry typically see a 45% conversion rate.

Additionally, if you partner with a pay-per-call network, you’ll have access to their network of publishers who will generate qualified calls through a variety of online, offline, and carrier sources. This gives your campaign the reach of multiple publishers without the responsibility of managing multiple contracts.

Challenge #5 – Evaluating Marketing Efforts and Demonstrating ROI

It is nearly impossible to accurately track lead sources and correctly optimize your budget with traditional advertising.

Pay-Per-Call Solution

With the right pay-per-call partner, you can easily track your campaign’s success with methods such as call tracking, call recording, call transcription, and call scoring. These techniques help you identify the sources and geographies that generate the most qualified calls, so you can optimize your budget accordingly.

For home services, the return on investment (ROI) for pay-per-call is high, even though the initial cost per lead may seem expensive. The average call in this industry lasts about 5 minutes, and calls typically have a 45% conversion rate.

A competitive bid in this industry depends on the business category, with lower ticket services such as home improvement coming in around $15 for a call that lasts 60 seconds and more competitive, higher-value services like pest control around $45 for a call that lasts 90 seconds. Your pay-per-call partner will be able to help you set a competitive bid in your category.

Get Started with Pay-Per-Call

Pay-per-call is a high-converting source of qualified leads for the home services industry. When looking for the right pay-per-call network, look for a trusted network that is committed to performance and superior service and delivers compliant, high-intent calls from unique traffic sources.

Soleo’s pay-per-call network generates thousands of home services calls each month and can easily scale to fit the needs of our advertisers. Our call traffic is generated in a way that complements your internal lead-gen activities, leveraging both our in-house lead generation team and our network of qualified, vetted publishers who adhere to strict network compliance stipulations.

We are dedicated to meeting our partners’ CPA requirements, and we offer call tracking, Interactive Voice Recordings, quality assurance, and dedicated support from our experienced customer success team.